Diet & Health Bullies More Likely to Have Eating Disorders than Non-Bullies When it comes to bullying, people tend to view the bully as the aggressor and the bullied as the victim. However, psychologist have long... Kwame OwusuNovember 24, 2015
Diet & Health Eating Smart: Why There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Superfood’ A lot of people nowadays are health-conscious, and that’s a good thing, but how much do they really know about “healthy eating” or healthy... Kwame OwusuNovember 19, 2015
Diet & Health Good Health is Based on What You Eat, Not How Much You Exercise There is popular misconception that as long as you exercise on a regular basis and at a moderate to intensive pace, you can eat... Kwame OwusuNovember 14, 2015
Diet & Health Acai Berry Juice Found to Cure Leukemia Like blueberries and spinach, the acai berry is touted as a ‘superfood’, one with supposed health benefits. Adding to the fact that just about... Kwame OwusuNovember 13, 2015
Food News Healthy Eating Trend Causing Big Loss for Big Food Brands Everyone has either adopted or wants a healthy lifestyle seemingly overnight, and big food brands, particularly those of the fast food variety, are suffering... Kwame OwusuOctober 19, 2015
Diet & Health Here’s How to Detoxify Without Juice When most people think about a detox, the first think that usually comes to mind is a juicer for juicing fruits. Now, while many... Kwame OwusuSeptember 25, 2015
Diet & Health Some People Are Just Addicted To Food, Are You One? While most people eat when they get hungry, an increasing number eat just for the sake of eating. According to a new study, the... Kwame OwusuSeptember 24, 2015
Diet & Health Pure Powdered Caffeine Can Kill You Did you know that powdered caffeine sold as food supplements may cause serious health problems? Well, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the... Kwame OwusuSeptember 22, 2015
Diet & Health If Fish is Brain Food, Can Fish Oil Pills Boost Brain Power? When it comes to a healthy diet, most people seem to pay no attention to fish, often neglecting sea food altogether. Well, it’s time... Kwame OwusuSeptember 21, 2015
Uncategorized Next Artificial Sweetener Is Made From Sand Of All Things Weight loss regimens generally require cutting sugar from your diet because, as we all know, too much sugar leads to obesity, the biggest problem... Kwame OwusuSeptember 9, 2015