Food News Men Gain Over 4 Pounds for Every Child they Have Women are not the only ones that gain wight after having children. Men also put on the pounds, with a new study finding that... Kwame OwusuJuly 28, 2015
Diet & Health Not A Myth: Mediterranean Diet Is Very Good for Your Health Millions of people around the world follow the Mediterranean diet or the paleo diet, but many don’t know about their benefits. For starters, the... Kwame OwusuJuly 28, 2015
Diet & Health Best New Proteins for Weight Loss Found in Vegetables Losing weight can be hard work, especially when your genes don’t co-operate. While there are several effective ways to lose weight quickly, a new... Kwame OwusuJuly 27, 2015
Food News Yoga Company Lululemon Enters Beer Business Lululemon, a company once exclusively associated with high-end yoga clothing, is now a player in the beer brewing business, having released their new craft... Kwame OwusuJuly 24, 2015
Diet & Health Have Diabetes or Heart Disease? Eat Blueberries to Improve Symptoms You would be surprised at just how good blueberries are for you. In addition to being delicious, the blue fruit — long considered a... Kwame OwusuJuly 21, 2015
Diet & Health Women Beware, Diet Soda Can Kill You! Soda manufacturers claim that diet sodas are the best option for women on a diet; however, the highly-processed beverages are the last thing any... Kwame OwusuJuly 18, 2015
Diet & Health Food Supplements Cause Bone Problems and Heart Attacks? When it comes to hitting the gym and building muscle, many guys like to take shortcuts, taking supplements that contain steroids to bulk up... Kwame OwusuJuly 17, 2015
Diet & Health Paleo and Vegan Combine – Peganism is the BEST Diet? There continues to be much debate about what the best diet is, but a new study claims your best bet is to go with... Kwame OwusuJuly 16, 2015
Diet & Health You Can Live Longer by Eating A Lot of Vitamin C That Vitamin C is good for you has long been known by scientists, but it’s a lot healthier than you probably thought. According to... Kwame OwusuJuly 15, 2015
Diet & Health Good Things Happen When You Stop Eating Meat With the negative controversy surrounding the vegetarian diet, you would think giving up meat is a big no-no for a healthy life. Well, according... Kwame OwusuJuly 14, 2015